Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekly Prank: Don't Actually Try This One At Home

A warning from the get-go: for all of you amateur pranksters out there looking for your big idea for April Fool's, THIS IS NOT IT. For this week's prank, I've decided to share a clip from what is, decidedly, an awful movie: Out Cold. However, despite the sub-par quality of the film itself, I have rarely even laughed as hard as I did when I saw this part of the movie. Zach Galifianakis, known now for being America's favorite facial-haired funnyman, plays Out Cold's often-drunk and frequently unconscious character, and his friends and brother frequently take advantage of his tendencies, with scenarios ending up like this. Enjoy, but again, I highly advise against causing anyone a potential heart-attack by actually doing this:
